Environment setup


Our gerrit is available at the following address: https://android-review.cri.epita.net.

Use your CRI credentials to sign in.

You must sign in at least once to exist on Gerrit. If you do not, I will not be able to create your Git repositories.

SSH configuration

  1. Create a SSH key with a passphrase.
  2. In Gerrit, in your login menu, go to your settings and add your public SSH key.
  3. SSH host value must be sand-gerrit.


Gerrit does not use the standard SSH port 22 but the port 29418 !

Android build

I strongly recommend using a docker container to build Android sources : Dockerfile.

  1. Install docker from your package manager.

  2. Add yourself into docker group.

  3. Start docker service:

    sudo systemctl start docker
    sudo systemctl status docker
  4. Create a directory docker-sand and change to this directory

  5. Put the linked Dockerfile in this directory.

  6. Build the docker image and run a container:

    docker build -t sand:8 .
    docker run -u=`id -u $USER` -v <absolute path to your Android source tree>:/home/sand/ -v /tmp/:/tmp/ -t -i sand:8

It will prompt you a shell. All build commands must be done from this shell !

From your host, you must also source build/envsetup.sh and run lunch with the good target in order to be able to start Google emulator.